Friday, May 27, 2011

The World Needs Builders

The World Needs Builders, President Uchtdorf Tells Los Angeles World Affairs Council
“It takes courage … and humility to put away old hatred, divisions and traditions that constrict and confine people into a blind succession of destructive behavior toward others,” President Uchtdorf said. “It is within our reach to breach barriers of hate and build bridges of brotherhood and understanding between opposing cultures, beliefs, religion and world views.”

Monday, May 23, 2011


It saddens me that civility was not embraced by more who were approached about it. It gives me hope, however, that there are others out there standing up for civil public, even political, discourse:

Friday, May 6, 2011

Thought from the Arbinger Institute

There are those who see others humanely and those who don't in every country and faith community. Lumping everyone of a particular race or culture or faith into a single stereotype is a way of failing to see them as people. (The Anatomy of Peace, p. 29)